Looking for Opportunities

Our recruiters are committed to placing candidates in qualified positions where they'll thrive.

Our Technical Recruiters have one goal: to place you in a role that utilizes your skills and expertise to the highest potential. Their absolute dedication to a personalized partnership with our candidates is paramount to mutual success.

Our Connections Give You Advantage 

We have direct lines of communication with hiring managers across various industries ranging from innovative start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Unlike many staffing companies, we can guarantee your resume is delivered to the key decision-makers within the hiring process. Additionally, our recruiters have insight into the culture and dynamics of the company’s organization and their teams, which proves useful in matching you with the best opportunities available. 

Industry Experts, Candidate Focused Solutions

We are deeply committed to understanding the industries we serve and the market trends that will impact our search strategy. After assessing your personal goals and objectives, we will present you with opportunities that are the best fit for your qualifications and expertise. It is in our Recruiter’s best interest to guide you through the process and place you in qualified positions where you’ll thrive. 

Our values are rooted in being transparent and candid in all our interactions. We will offer our guidance to help you decide which positions and offers are best suited to meet your objectives. Even if this means not accepting one of ours. 

We Are with You Throughout the Entire Process

We are with you throughout the hiring process to answer questions, provide solutions, and prepare you for success. Our recruiters are committed to providing you with as much valuable information as possible to ensure a successful interview and a smooth transition. 

Our efforts don’t stop after the job placement either. As your contract comes to its end, your Recruiter will begin actively searching for new openings that match your qualifications. 

Skilled Negotiators 

Our recruiters have a strong background in contract negotiations and always ensure that our candidates are getting paid at their market rate.

To schedule a time to speak with one of our Technical Recruiters, complete the form below or book a consultation.

Contact Us

We Are Game 7 Staffing

Four hands are holding each other in a circle.

Our continual collaboration between our candidates, our clients, and our fellow Recruiters gives us the insight needed to fill challenging contract positions where other staffing companies fell short of expectations.

A trophy with an orange star on it.

We are competent. This competence gives us the ability to react quickly, reach higher, and provide value to our partners.

Two hands shaking in the shape of a heart.

We are committed to responding to each of our candidate’s and client’s needs and providing personalized, superior service.

A group of people are connected to each other in a circle.

Our continual collaboration between our candidates, our clients, and our fellow Recruiters gives us the insight needed to fill challenging contract positions where other staffing companies fell short of expectations.

Our Technical Recruiters have one goal: to place you in a role that utilizes your skills and expertise to the highest potential. Their absolute dedication to a personalized partnership with our candidates is paramount to mutual success.

Our Connections Give You Advantage 

We have direct lines of communication with hiring managers across various industries ranging from innovative start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Unlike many staffing companies, we can guarantee your resume is delivered to the key decision-makers within the hiring process. Additionally, our recruiters have insight into the culture and dynamics of the company’s organization and their teams, which proves useful in matching you with the best opportunities available. 

Industry Experts, Candidate Focused Solutions

We are deeply committed to understanding the industries we serve and the market trends that will impact our search strategy. After assessing your personal goals and objectives, we will present you with opportunities that are the best fit for your qualifications and expertise. It is in our Recruiter’s best interest to guide you through the process and place you in qualified positions where you’ll thrive. 

Our values are rooted in being transparent and candid in all our interactions. We will offer our guidance to help you decide which positions and offers are best suited to meet your objectives. Even if this means not accepting one of ours. 

We Are with You Throughout the Entire Process

We are with you throughout the hiring process to answer questions, provide solutions, and prepare you for success. Our recruiters are committed to providing you with as much valuable information as possible to ensure a successful interview and a smooth transition. 

Our efforts don’t stop after the job placement either. As your contract comes to its end, your Recruiter will begin actively searching for new openings that match your qualifications. 

Skilled Negotiators 

Our recruiters have a strong background in contract negotiations and always ensure that our candidates are getting paid at their market rate.

To schedule a time to speak with one of our Technical Recruiters, complete the form below or book a consultation.

Contact Us

We Are Game 7 Staffing

Four hands are holding each other in a circle.

Our continual collaboration between our candidates, our clients, and our fellow Recruiters gives us the insight needed to fill challenging contract positions where other staffing companies fell short of expectations.

A trophy with an orange star on it.

We are competent. This competence gives us the ability to react quickly, reach higher, and provide value to our partners.

Two hands shaking in the shape of a heart.

We are committed to responding to each of our candidate’s and client’s needs and providing personalized, superior service.

A group of people are connected to each other in a circle.

We are connected to numerous hiring managers across various industries ranging from innovative start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Unlike many staffing companies, we can guarantee that your resume will be delivered to the key decision makers within the hiring process.

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